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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dear Universe...

Sometimes you inspire me beyond belief to have one of those super productive, super time management/proactive/getting a handle on my life and my closet days.
Yesterday was one of those days. Before noon I had run the lake shore, lingered at Maria’s for coffee, and watched Kathy and Hoda down 1½ glasses of red wine while I scrubbed the kitchen and bedroom floors, cleaned the bathroom, prepped a batch of pumpkin cut-out cookies, and experimentally (and what turned out to be delicious) added an assortment of ingredients to our crock pot for dinner. Phew! I’m exhausted now just thinking about all of that.
And you know what the best part is? Afterwards, I spent some quality time with my couch and the Lifetime channel. Why is it that I can’t change the channel (no matter how overly cheesey/unrealistic the show might be) when the title contains any semblance to the word Christmas? It’s just so wonderful to be getting in the holiday spirit.

Are you watching Lifetime? Or are you holding out for ABC Family’s (Countdown to) 25 Days of Christmas?

Work potluck on Thursday! More to come on the cut-out sugar cookies. In my productivity I prepped, cut-out, and froze some cute pumpkins for the event. Will be baking and frosting tomorrow.